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Multiple Gateway Tokenization


Tokenization is a security and compliance feature that mitigates risk and lowers PCI compliance scope. In a tokenization workflow payment data is exchange with the payment gateway for a token that represents the payment data. This data cannot be decrypted

Multi-gateway tokenization allows for tokenizing payment data across multiple payment gateways. The payment gateways may be for different Merchant Identifiers (MIDs) at the same payment gateway that may be configured differently based on your financial operations, or they may be for different MIDs across different payment gateways.

Use Cases

  1. Multiple MIDs with the same payment gateway. For example, the payment gateway is Cybersource, and one MID is configured for Strong Customer Authentication (SCA) mandated transactions by Payment Service Directive 2 (PSD2) for the European Economic Area, and another MID is configured without SCA for the United States of America.
  2. Multiple MIDs with a different payment gateway. For example, there are two payment gateways: Cybersource and One gateway is the primary (Cybersource) and the other is the secondary ( In the unlikely event that Cybersource is unavailable as the primary payment gateway, transactions may sent to as the secondary payment gateway.


Chargent supports a single method for multi-gateway tokenization requests across multiple API types.

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Learn more about Tokenization